Weekend of Oct. 1st

Good evening. This weekend is almost the same as it was last weekend and the one before, especially on the numbered lines. Service in the Bronx normally operated by 2 trains will be covered by 5 trains. 2 and 3 trains are not running along Lenox Ave with the latter not running at all. In Brooklyn, 4 trains will run local to New Lots Av to compensate.

On the lettered lines, it’s more of the same on that front as well. Ongoing work will suspend A train service north of 168 Street. Also, the usual Fix and Fortify work will reroute A, C and F trains from their normal routes.

For the full list, check out the map.

Map for 10.01-10.03

Enjoy the weekend.

Weekend of Sept. 24th

Good evening. This weekend is a bit of the same, but a little different. Work continues on the numbered lines as it did last weekend. That means there are no 2 trains running between 96 Street and 241 Street. 3 train service is completely suspended. 4 and 5 trains will replace normal 7th Avenue service in Brooklyn and the Bronx respectively.

On the lettered lines, it’s a bit more normal. Relatively that is. Fix and Fortify work will as usual, reroute A and C trains over the F-line between W 4 Street and Jay St. There is also no A train service between 168 Street and 207 Street. While the oft-recurring local-only service along Queens Blvd returns, the biggest service change affecting the B-Division is the suspension of F train service between Church Av and Coney Island.

For the full list of service changes, check out the map.

Map for 09.24-09.26

Enjoy the weekend.

Weekend of Sept. 17th

Good evening. This weekend is especially messy with several major disruptions and diversions. First off, this is the start of a month-long Lenox Ave weekend shutdown. There will be no 2 trains running north of 96 Street, while 3 train train service is completely suspended. 5 trains will replace the 2 in the Bronx while 4 local trains serve as the primary alternative in Brooklyn.

Along with this major disruption, there are a few other service changes on the lettered lines to contend with as well. Once again, D trains are not running between Manhattan and Brooklyn. Also, the A, C and E lines are affected by post-Sandy recovery work. There are also several express runs scattered about as usual. Check out the map for the details.

Map for 09.17-09.19
Enjoy the weekend.

Weekend of Sept. 10th

Good evening. After last weekend’s reprieve from the usual slew of service changes, we return back to normal. Split-service returns to the 2-line with a shuttle running between 241 Street and E 180 Street. There is also no 4 train service running in Brooklyn.

For anyone heading to the World Trade Center this weekend, several of the normal options have been removed. 1 train service is truncated to 14 Street while A and C trains are rerouted over the F-line in both directions between W 4 Street and Jay St. The E trains remain an option, but be advised that trains are running via 6th Avenue again.
For the full list of service changes, check out the map.

Map for 09.10-09.12

Enjoy the weekend.

Weekend of Sept. 3rd

Good afternoon. Originally, this weekend would’ve been a bit more annoying for subway riders despite the upcoming Labor Day holiday. However, with the expected arrival of tropical storm Hermine, most service changes have been cancelled not including those long-term station closures. The only other exception is on the 4-line, which is suspended between Bowling Green and Utica Av late this evening through early Sunday morning. There are also a couple of local events-related disruptions, but those are pretty standard for the holiday, so it’s not much to be concerned with.

Map for 09.03-09.06

As always, enjoy the weekend and do try to stay dry.